Can stupid dog owners be trained?
I like to provide people the benefit of the doubt. I believe the typical adult can handle as well as care for a dog properly. even if it’s their very first dog, most people can put two as well as two together as well as figure out exactly how to train as well as exercise a dog. If not, they can pick up a book or take an obedience class.
If somebody asks for my advice, I provide it. If not, I keep to myself (and blog about it later). however every when in awhile I see people who amaze me, as well as I just have to state something.
Last summertime I saw a lady verbally abusing her dog as well as even hitting him every time he came to her since he didn’t come quick enough. Go figure.
I explained to her what she was doing wrong, as well as she was happy to take my advice.
The people who requirement serious assist with their dogs most likely aren’t the ones reading this blog. The people who do checked out this blog are responsible, informed dog owners like me. That’s why I’m composing this post. most of the time it’s much better to let things go, however sometimes we just have to state something – for the dogs..
People like us can assist the less fortunate dog owners as well as their dogs.
Saturday Ace as well as I witnessed a poor dogfight that could’ve been prevented. This was one example where providing a guy the benefit of the question was a error on my part.
Ace as well as I were out for a nice walk around 6 p.m. when the sun was beginning to set as well as the weather condition was relatively warm. Snow was melting as well as we even smelled a few BBQs.
We took our two-mile route, expecting whatever to stay peaceful. As we were making a turn as well as heading down 28th Avenue towards 32nd Street, we noticed a guy standing on the corner with a golden retriever.
Assuming a dog is friendly is a worse error than presuming it is aggressive.
Because of the golden’s breed, I wasn’t extremely concerned. My mom’s golden has some leash aggression issues, as well as I understand Elsie is harmless.
This owner, though, concerned me more than the dog.
“Nem! No barking!” he shouted as the dog lunged as well as barked at Ace as well as I. “No!”
But the man’s “scolding” was complied with by him jumping up as well as down as well as yelling, “Is that your doggy friend? Is that your friend? Look, a doggy friend!”
The guy seemed extremely immature. For a half-second I believed I should state something to him. I understood his enjoyment was triggering his dog to act excited as well as aggressive, as well as he seemed to be totally uninformed of this. I dislike to admit it, however part of the reason I let it go was since the dog was a golden retriever.
I was likewise believing of my own dog’s safety. The enjoyment from the man-and-dog pair made Ace a bit anxious too. Ace’s hair was standing up on his back, as well as he kept looking over at them. I mean, who wouldn’t? The guy was yelling at us, pointing as well as jumping!
I stated hi however kept Ace at my side away from the other dog as well as kept walking.
We were satisfied promptly by one more guy as well as his pointer. pointers are one more breed people presume to be friendly as well as harmless. The three of us were all within 10 feet from one one more at this point. I presumed the two guy understood each other as well as were on some type of running date.
The golden’s owner kept jumping up as well as down saying, “Look! Doggy friends!”
I was jealous that Ace as well as I didn’t have walking buddies, however we continued on our way. Ace looked up at me, as well as I swear he rolled his eyes. “Néhány ember …”
We heard the shrieking from the dogs before we even got a block away.
There was not much Ace as well as I might do, however I went back to make sure everybody was OK.
Two women ran out from their homes as well as threw water over the dogs to break up the fight.
I did not get as well close. Bringing one more male dog into the circumstance would’ve been dangerous, so we stayed a number of lawns back. As one lady ran back into her house, I yelled, “Are you guys OK?”
She shouted back that she believed so.
The guy as well as dogs kept at each other. There was definitely as well much testosterone in one spot.
I saw that the pointer had “locked” onto the golden as well as the two guy did not get them apart for about a minute. when they did, they stood there yelling at one one more as well as their dogs went at it once again within seconds.
“I don’t understand you!”
“Hagyj békén!”
“Get your dog outa here!”
Other people came out of their homes as well as one guy shouted something like, “Hey! get your dogs as well as go home! get those dogs away from each other!”
Well, duh.
Once again, I’m not sure you can train stupid owners.
Ace as well as I walked away abban a pillanatban, amikor észrevette, hogy a károk megtörténtek, és mi nem követeltük meg magunkat. Nem láttam semmilyen vért, ahonnan álltunk, tehát valószínűleg az esemény sokkal rosszabbnak hangzott, mint valójában – az emberi harc, valamint a kutyaharc, azaz.
A séta házunkon továbbra is hittem magamnak, milyen idióta volt az a tulajdonos, aki az Aranytulajdonos volt, és miért nem mondtam semmit, amikor először láttam őt? Mi lenne, ha hagyná, hogy a kutyája javuljon az ászhoz? Mi lenne, ha egy gyerek kint sétálta volna a kutyáját, és megtámadták volna? Mi lenne, ha ez a mutató Shih Tzu lenne?
Hatalmas problémáink vannak, amikor két nálam idősebb fickó nem tudja kezelni a kutyáikat. Az egyetlen dolog, ami rosszabb lett volna, ha a kutyák flexi pórázon voltak.
Az olyan külvárosi területeken, mint a South Fargo, nagyon sok nem volt edzetlen, póráz agresszív kutya, amelyet még nem szocializáltak. Szinte minden nap ilyen kutyákkal találkozom.
Számtalan közösség áll rendelkezésre, csakúgy, mint az enyém. A rendelkezésre álló elszámoltatható kutyatulajdonosok számára, akik ezt olvasják, néha sokkal jobb elmenni. Mindazonáltal néha szükségünk van arra, hogy felszólaljunk.